Mastering the Backhand Serve

The backhand serve is a skill that can greatly benefit players of all levels. When executed correctly, it can be incredibly effective in catching your opponent off guard, putting them on the defensive, and setting the tone for the point.

To start, it's important to understand the mechanics of the shot. Unlike the forehand serve, which is typically a straightforward shot, the backhand serve requires a bit more technique and control. Here are the steps to executing a perfect backhand serve:

Get Into Position: Stand facing the table with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your non-serving hand on the table for balance.

Gripping The Paddle: Grip the paddle with your serving hand with a backhand grip. This grip allows you to have more control over the speed and spin of the shot.

Ball Placement: Hold the ball with your non-serving hand, making sure to keep your wrist loose and relaxed. Place the ball just behind your non-serving hip.

The Toss: Toss the ball up into the air with your non-serving hand, making sure it goes high enough for you to reach it with your serving hand.

The Shot: As the ball is coming down, use your serving hand to make contact with the ball and execute the backhand serve. It's important to aim for the backhand corner of your opponent's side of the table, as this will be their most vulnerable area.

Follow Through: Make sure to follow through with your serving hand after making contact with the ball. This will help you maintain control and accuracy.

Now that you understand the mechanics of the backhand serve, let's talk about the different types of backhand serves. There are three main types: the backspin, the sidespin, and the topspin serve.

The backspin serve is the simplest of the three, and is best used when you want to keep the ball low and slow. To execute this serve, simply make contact with the ball in a downward motion, causing the ball to spin backwards.

The sidespin serve, on the other hand, is best used when you want to throw your opponent off balance. To execute this serve, make contact with the ball and put spin on it, causing it to move sideways. This can be especially effective if your opponent is not prepared for the shot.

Finally, the topspin serve is the most advanced of the three. This serve is best used when you want to put a lot of speed and spin on the ball, making it difficult for your opponent to return. To execute this serve, make contact with the ball and put spin on it, causing it to move forward and down.

The backhand serve is a crucial shot for any ping pong player. With a little bit of practice and patience, you'll soon be able to execute this shot with ease and confidence. Remember to keep your wrist loose, aim for your opponent's backhand corner, and follow through with your serving hand for the best results. Happy serving!

Don't stop here, check out serve technique basics used from amateurs to pros!